Sara Scheffer

PhD. Engineering and Technology

Post Doctoral Researcher

Member of the Research group "Production and Maintenance Management"

Division of Industrial Engineering | Institute of Management Science

TU Wien

Linkedin : Sara Scheffer - Postdoc - Technische Universität Wien | LinkedIn, opens an external URL in a new window
ResearchGate: (2) Sara Scheffer (, opens an external URL in a new window


Research topics

  • Augmented Reality
  • Information Technology
  • Maintenance Operation
  • Fault Detection
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Decision-support systems


  • Scheffer, S., Martinetti, A., Damgrave, R., & Van Dongen, L. (2021). Augmented reality for IT/OT failures in maintenance operations of digitized trains: Current status, research challenges and future directions. Procedia CIRP, 100, 816-821.
  • Scheffer, S., Martinetti, A., Damgrave, R., Thiede, S., & van Dongen, L. (2021). How to make augmented reality a tool for railway maintenance operations: operator 4.0 perspective. Applied Sciences, 11(6), 2656.
  • Scheffer, S., Limmen, N., Damgrave, R., Martinetti, A., Rosic, B., & van Dongen, L. (2021, October). Troubleshooting: a dynamic solution for achieving reliable fault detection by combining augmented reality and machine learning. In Proceedings of the The 10th International Conference on Through-Life Engineering Services.
  • Damgrave, R., Scheffer, S., & Lutters, E. (2023). Augmented reality support to employ tacit knowledge in non-conforming operations. Procedia CIRP, 120, 1475-1480.
  • Scheffer, S. S., Martinetti, A. A., Damgrave, R. R., & van Dongen, L. L. (2023). Supporting maintenance operators using augmented reality decision-making: visualize, guide, decide & track. Procedia CIRP, 119, 782-787.
  • Scheffer, S. E. (2024). Let’s augment the future together! Augmented reality troubleshooting support for IT/OT rolling stock failures. [PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT, University of Twente]. University of Twente.


  • Postdoctoral Researcher, TU Wien (06.2024 - Now)
  • PhD Candidate, University of Twente (06.2020 - 05.2024)
  • Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (06.2016 - 06.2020)
  • NHL Hogeschool (06.2012 - 06.2016)