Research contract: Life cycle assessment Lodenareal

Project description

This study of the TU Wien in cooperation with the Neuen Heimat Tirol shall investigate the environmental impacts during the life cycle of the passive house settlement LODEN-Areal. The analysis of the life cycle phases - production and operation - will be used primarily to identify and compare the CO2 emissions, which are attributable to the energy consumption for the production of the materials and the operation of the building. further indicators like PEI (primary energy consumption) and SO2 (acidification potential) will also be identified. Based on the measured energy consumption, the actual energy demand can be compared with the planned values (according to the Energy Performance Certificate), and the reasons for possible deviations can be investigated. The aim of the study is to identify an energetic and ecological "cost-benefit" relationship between the production and operation phases in a life cycle of 50 years.

The following work packages are included:

  1. collecting the measured energy consumption data, if available, as a basis for the LCA
  2. recording of building stock materials on the basis of plan documentation and construction tender documents
  3. calculation of the life cycle assessment (PEI, CO2, SO2) for the life cycle phases of production and operation
  4. analysis of the results
  5. recording of recommendations