All news at TU Wien

Golden Badge of Honour for Karin Stieldorf

The architect Karin Stieldorf, professor at the TU Wien and academic director of the university course Sustainable Construction was awarded the Goldenes Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich (Golden Badge of Honour for Meritorious Services to the Republic of Austria).

Karin Stieldorf

© Fernanda Nigro

 At yesterday's ceremony at the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) minister Alois Stoeger praised her outstanding achievements in the field of energy research.

Sustainable Building and international success

Karin Stieldorf is internationally known in the field of solar and ecological architecture and a pioneer in the field of sustainable building. With Team Austria she won the Solar Decathlon 2013 in the USA.

University Course Sustainable Building

Karin Stieldorf is academic director of the university course Sustainable Building.
The joint program of TU Wien and Graz University of Technology aims to generate an awareness of holistic lifecycle-oriented approaches to construction based on the three-pillar model of sustainability.
Next program start: October 1, 2015

Links in German only:

bmvit - Stöger ehrt PionierInnen der Energieforschung, opens an external URL in a new window

Universitätslehrgang Nachhaltiges Bauen, opens in new window