
19. September 2022, 09:00 until 11:00
Defense Dominik Widhalm

On 19 September 2022, the Doctoral College for Resilient Embedded Systems was proud to present its first PhD graduate Dominik Widhalm, who completed his degree with the highest distinction.


PhD Defense Committee:

Ao.Univ.-Prof.Dr. Steininger (TU Wien, Chair)
Priv.-Doz.Dr. Göschka (FH Technikum)
Prof.Dr.h.c. Bondavalli (University of Florence)
Assoc.Prof. Quaglia PhD (University of Verona)
Univ.-Prof.Dr. Kastner (TU Wien)

Dominik Widhalm’s state-of-the-art talk on sensor node fault detection in wireless networks convinced the committee.