
23. September 2021, 11:00 until 23. September 2023, 16:00
DC-RES Social Event “Klettergarten Kahlenberg”
Social Event
The DC-RES Collegiates spent a day in the Fun Park Kahlenberg where they could shoot archery or use the forest rope park.

The Kahlenberg is located in the Vienna Woods and is one of the most popular destinations for the Viennese. This is mainly due to the stunning view that the Kahlenberg offers: On a clear day you can not only see the entire city from above, but even the Schneeberg, where Vienna’s mountain spring water comes from.

At this social event, the DC-RES PhDs explored the Fun Park Kahlenberg among themselves. Whether trying out archery or the rope park, it turned out to be a nice afternoon that kept the PhDs connected.

Climbing group