
19. September 2022, 13:00 until 22. September 2022, 17:30
SRDS Symposium 2022
The 41st International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS) takes place at TU Wien.

This year’s SRDS symposium was organized with the active help of the DC-RES PhDs under the direction of Karl M. Göschka.

Program Overview
Program Overview

PhD Forum

The PhD Forum provides an opportunity for graduate students working in research areas related to reliable distributed systems to present their problem statement, research methods and planned contributions, and to receive high-quality feedback and guidance from established researchers and other graduate students joining the forum. The forum consists of poster sessions and short presentation slots in the main conference program.


Four 4 PhDs were selected to present their work with a poster and a talk:

Alberto Marchisio, TU Wien

“Cross-Layer Techniques for Energy-Efficiency and Resiliency of Advanced Machine Learning Architectures”

Drishti Yadav, TU Wien

“Fault Diagnostics for Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical System”

Albert Zak, Technikum Wien

“Interactive Programming as an “Operating System” for Resilience in Distributed Systems”

Richard Patsch, Technikum Wien (not presenting)

“Computational Offloading for Non-Time-Critical Applications”

SRDS 2022 Poster Drishti Yadav
SRDS 2022 Poster Alberto Marchisio
SRDS 2022 Poster Albert Zak


High quality keynote speakers could be won for the symposium.

On Tuesday, Prof. Andrea Bondavalli, University of Florence, Italy talked about “Dependability Challenges in Safety-Critical Systems: the adoption of Machine learning”.

On Wednesday, Prof. Engin Kirda, Northeastern University, Boston, USA gave the keynote speech “Security vs. Reliability: Is one more difficult to achieve than the other?”

On the last conference day, Wilfried Steiner, Director, TTTech Labs, Vienna, Austria, talked about “Self-Driving Cars – Challenging Reliable Distributed Systems”

Keynote Prof. Andrea Bondavalli, University of Florence, Italy
Keynote Prof. Engin Kirda, Northeastern University, Boston, USA
Keynote Wilfried Steiner, Director, TTTech Labs, Vienna

Visit of Schönbrunn Castle and conference dinner

Conference attendees were escorted by DC-RES PhDs to Schöbrunn Palace for a tour of the rooms followed by a stroll through the Schönbrunn´s garden. Afterewards the conference dinner took place in Waldviertler Hof.

