Supervisor: Wolfgang Kastner
Robust IPv6 Multicast Routing for the Internet of Things
The increasing ubiquity of automation, rising connectivity, and the ever growing openness of previously proprietary solutions, are all aspects and beneficiaries of the long anticipated Internet of Things (IoT). Despite the ongoing progress and numerous available technologies, various problems remain open for improvement, e.g. IP routing for state-of-the-art mesh networks. In particular, robust multicast routing for the most prominent IoT stack, 6LoWPAN, presents as a yet not sufficiently settled problem.
This thesis aims at significantly improving upon current IPv6 multicast routing for 6LoWPAN regarding its reliability.
Consideration and evaluation of more sophisticated approaches that are better suited to exploit the characteristics of the underlying mesh network are needed. Intentionally, this should also lead to multicast routing that is considerably more energy efficient and better suited for inter-network communication, which is common with distributed automation networks.