Students pursuing a doctorate at TU Wien either do so in “stand-alone mode” or within a structured PhD program such as in a doctoral school. Participants will discuss the benefits and challenges of either model, the currently active programmes at TU Wien and the purpose of a doctoral school. Can too much structure impede creativity? Could certain features be made available for all PhD projects? What will the PhD project of the future look like?
– Chiara Ceriotti, Vienna BioCenter PhD Program Manager
– Dimosthenis Giannopoulos, ENROL Doctoral College
– Ioanna Giouroudi, Doctoral School
– Eugenijus Kaniusas, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
– Andreas Steininger, Embedded Computing Systems
– Stefan Szeider, Algorithms and Complexity
– Hilda Tellioglu, Artifact-based Computing & User Research
Moderator: Philipp Thurner, Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics