Journal for Architectonics

Meridian Architectonics, Volume 1


Convivia is a journal that is interested in thinking what architectonics is or could be in the twenty-first century. Pre-specific to architecture, architectonics deals with the real in an abstract, yet edifying manner. Under architectonics, the indeterminacy brought by contemporary science is assumed as a liberation from ontological and epistemological principles, and welcomed as a fortunate occasion to understand and embrace the stating of any principle as an ‘art’ in itself—autonomous, yet not automatic or autarkic. Architectonic deals with the real in terms of a communicational physics, through articulations that are concrete yet reasoned in abstractive and projective manners. The journal aims to set the table for a series of banquets—of convivia—in which courses do not respond to mere needs or inconsequential delights of ‘consumption’. We focus on architectonic alloys of necessities and contingencies: necessities are bounded by contingencies, and contingencies are engendered through ‘figuring out’ what is necessary. Convivia’s interest is to ‘make cases’.


Foreword: Architectonics of the Case
Riccardo M. Villa, Vera Bühlmann, Cris Argüelles
Seiten 1–12

Masks of the Genius Loci: Towards a Phenotechnics of Place
Michael R. Doyl
Seiten 13–42

Grace—Filth— Gravity. Being Attentive to the In-Between
Andrea Kopranovic
Seiten 43–66

Onanistic Engenderings
Emmanuelle Chiappone-Piriou
Seiten 67–104

Facing Mud. On Matter-Informational Building and Writing
Selena Savić
Seiten 105–132

Redefining Waste: A Review of Faecal Matter Inspiring Novel Life Forms
Klaus Spiess
Seiten 133–162

Cosmetics of Hospitality: A Question of Limits
Jordi Vivaldi
Seiten 163–204

The Parody of Matter: Bataille, Pu’iito, Tlazolteotl, and the Filth to Come
Georgios Tsagdis
Seiten 205–230

    Product information

    Publication date: September 2024
    Size: 252 pages
    Format: 14 x 10 cm
    Language: Englisch

    ISBN (Print): 978-3-85448-061-7
    ISBN (Online): 978-3-85448-062-4
    Broschiert 34,90 

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