Ruzica Piskac
Ruzica Piskac is an associate professor of Computer Science at Yale University. She joined Yale in 2013 as an assistant professor. Prior to that, she was an independent research group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Software systems in Germany. Ruzica received her PhD at EPFL in 2011 and her thesis received the Patrick Denantes Prize. Ruzica’s research interests span the areas of programming languages, software verification, automated reasoning, and code synthesis. A common thread in Ruzica’s research is improving software reliability and trustworthiness using formal techniques. She has received recognitions for research and teaching, including a CACM Research Highlight, an NSF CAREER award, the Facebook Communications and Networking award, the Microsoft Research Award for the Software Engineering Innovation Foundation (SEIF), Amazon Research Award, and the 2019 Ackerman Award for Teaching and Mentoring.