Nataša Pelja-Tabori

Nataša Pelja–Tabori studied at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem, L’École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-La Villette and the First Faculty of Architecture „Ludovico Quaroni“ at La Sapienza University in Rome. In 2021 she earned her doctorate at TU Wien. Pelja–Tabori worked in architecture studios in Jerusalem and Sarajevo. From the year 2000 until 2004 she collaborated with Renzo Piano Building Workshop on the future ARS AEVI Museum of Contemporary Art in Sarajevo, working at Punta Nave office. Since the year 2003 she works permanently at the Sarajevo Canton Institute of Planning and Development as a spatial and urban planner. Inspired by the nature of her work Pelja–Tabori’s research is focused on local planning and coding in context of transition from a socialist to capitalist economic system and EU accession process. Currently, she is leading the Cantonal Institute team in collaborating with ETH Zurich and University of Sarajevo on Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo. She published papers on topics in the fields of spatial and urban planning, Jewish sacral architecture, and ethics of post war/trauma reconstruction. Pelja–Tabori was a visiting lecturer at TU Wien, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, in Sarajevo, University of Sarajevo Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo School of Economics and Business, International Burch University and International University of Sarajevo. 

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ISBN: 978-3-85448-056-3
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