E-Book and print

We offer authors and editors two publishing options: Online and in print, both freely accessible in accordance with the principles of Open Access.

  • Open Access e-book with a Creative Commons licence
    Your book will be published in open access on the internet and indexed in search engines and databases. That will make it accessible to readers across the globe for free; in addition, it will help you maximise the impact of your book. This option, along with the use of all the services provided by TU Wien Academic press,  is free for you as the author.
  • In addition, publication in print with a Creative Commons licence
    With this additional option, the authors or editors will be initially responsible for financing the printing costs. These costs will subsequently be reimbursed from the income generated by sales of the book being passed on from the publisher to the authors or editors up to the amount of the pre-financed printing costs. In selected cases, the publisher may subsidise the costs of a print publication. You will find detailed information about this in our Information sheet ‘Funding options available from the publisher’. Regular cooperation with printing companies means that it is possible to focus on cost-effective production and favourable prices, thus increasing the potential for sales. As a publisher with customised solutions, we also offer small print runs.


The exploitation rights of your publication remain with you.

  • Licensing the e-book
    Our books are published and made available to the public under specific licenses (CC licenses). You decide as the author which license you wish to use.
  • Publishing contract and exploitation rights
    In contrast to typical publishing contracts, you will only be assigning so-called ‘non-exclusive rights of use’ to TU Wien Academic Press. This means that, in addition to your publication with TU Wien Academic Press, all other distribution and exploitation options will remain open to you at all times.

We have summarised a few important legal aspects that you should take into account when publishing your book: Information sheet ‘Legal aspects of publishing your book’