What and who qualifies for the publishing programme?

TU Wien Academic Press publishes books (authors´ and editors´ works, thematic anthologies) from within the classical research context and research-led teaching as well as doctoral theses and conference proceedings. It is possible to publish your book as a single work or as a volume in a series. The entire range of TU Wien’s expertise is relevant.



The publishing service is accessible to all members of TU Wien. That includes doctoral students or research fellows at TU Wien as well as project staff and lecturers who are members of TU Wien. It is important that you either have an affiliation with TU Wien at the time of signing the publishing contract with us or that the context of origin of your work is distinctly associated with your affiliation with TU Wien.

No lecture scripts, textbooks and simple volumes of abstracts are published in the publishing programme.


When is TU Wien Academic Press the appropriate publication partner?

In principle, any academic print or online book publication by researchers affiliated with TU Wien is eligible for publication. TU Wien Academic Press may also be of interest to researchers who are carrying out activities beyond the subjects typically associated with books:

  • You are working on interdisciplinary projects or within international consortia and would like to publish – in addition to journal articles – selected research results or a collection of important insights from such projects in a book.
  • You coordinate a doctoral college and aim to highlight the added value of structured cooperation between doctoral students and established researchers in a final anthology.
  • You are a member of the executive committee at a professional organisation or conference series and would like to publish your conference proceedings with us.
  • You are a specialist and frequently write expert reports, for example, for associations and these reports are suited to be made accessible to the public.
  • Your doctoral thesis or a doctoral thesis you have supervised is outstanding and should be published as a book for maximum dissemination. Please note: Cumulative dissertations cannot be published by TU Wien Academic Press.
  • You already have a self-published series of publications at your institute or would like to start a series.